We're in Camarillo CA for Thanksgiving with our Grandma. The drive was safe, slow, and not too long. Wanted to thank friends, family, neighbors, and all who attended any of the fun events we had going this past weekend including, but not limited to the friday night Engfer's pizza and ping pong smackdown, the saturday night pickin', boozin' and Crepe Place farewell party, and finally, the Sunday night keg killin' jamdown at the house where I no longer live. A ton of people came though, and I wish I could spend more time with every one of them. Incredible gifts were given, contributions made, and tons o' beer drunk. A huge thanks to everyone. Also, huge thanks to those who are storing what little I did not throw away. I'm feeling very, very grateful to have the friends I do. Thank you.
Enough. Turkey comin' up, then San diego, then onto Baja. So far, the truck is running like a champ, and I'm $10 richer for it; thanks Alex.
Talk to ya'll soon, signing off here,
Glad to hear you guys are on the road! Hope Camper is ok :( again, so sorry for my brute!!
..And Scout thanks you for all the delicious Tecate he found in the drip pan. After the keg ran out, I tried it myself. Tasty, and less foamy than the tap.
Sucks, I was going to see about coming out there to party with you guys at your send-off, but it completely slipped my mind. Looks like you guys had a blast! My girlfriend and I were just in LA a couple months ago and went up to Ventura to see a Beach Boys concert but ran out of time before we could see grandma. Hope you guys make it home safe!!
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