Here is a place that a man could call home. For nine days before the waves shut off. The surf was consistent, and incredible, and the reason we have not posted for almost two weeks. Sorry about that!
We knew we would love this place as soon as we drove in and saw our old Swiss friends, Rafael and Jacqueline. We first met this couple at Alejandros in Baja and have happily run into them several times since. They are traveling in a specialized VW LT31 diesel camper, which they had shipped to Halifax and then drove across Canada and down the west coast of the States.
This area is filled with natural beauty complete with palm trees, a rushing river, falling coconuts and hikeable empty white sand beaches.
The swell ranged from 2.5ft to 12/14ft during our stay and we surfed usually three times daily, twice minimum. There were crowds at times, but always lone peaks a little ways down the beach. Garen and I have no problem surfing the shorebreak on shortboards and everyone’s surfing progressed.
We were exhausted at nights, but slept lightly due to an armed campground holdup by bandidos. It was a stickup and less than 50 yards away. No shots were fired thankfully, but the same victims had their surfboards stolen two nights later.
Met more cool folks from BC, SD, Tecoman (Juan the Hammock man), and Oregon, and were lucky enough to see April and Penny, two of Garen's friends from back home. We ate lots of tamales from the mobile tamale woman for 5 pesos each, and street tacos. So far, we have each put down 14 tacos safely in one sitting, although the record stands at 45. Minus the toppings that we liberally add, we both expect to score somewhere in the range of 30 next time around.
Onto Nexpa….
Note: After packing up our things on the last day, we were chatting with Juan, when all of a sudden our palapa came crashing down upon the head of his assistant Marcos. We helped pull the semi conscious guy out of the heavy wooden wreckage and iced his head, which looked like it had an anthill growing from it. He is okay now and we can finally laugh outloud about it.
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