Before we knew it, the Burban was blocked in by no less than 5 cars. Our neighbors drank and danced to loud (and lousy) music all night long.
Camper observed from her usual spot on the hood.
The lineups were as jammed as our campsite, and brimming with ruthless drop-ins, sloppy riding, and near collisions. Unfortunately, Avellanas would only work on a pretty high incoming tide, which was in the middle of the afternoon, limiting us to one session per day. But, the offshore were consistently in our favor and the 5 to 7 footers stood up nicely.
On the biggest day, we walked over to Playa Negra, a break that picks up the swell far more efficiently. We put Camper in the shade, and paddled out. Immediately, the boomers came in. A few house sized faces briefly cleaned out the 45 person lineup quickly. Soon there were about 20 people, including a kayak surfer with brass balls. There were some fun rides and some scary underwater thrashings and hold downs. We had a great time and walked a long dusty road back. More pollo casados and some beers were in order.
A few topless sunbathers sweetened the deal.
Next -Nosara
Side note: The lack of surf photos is truly appalling. I know it. Garen knows it. Camper knows it. The problem, therein, is motivation. We simply cannot be taking pics from the beach while the set comes in. From here on out, I will make a better effort to sit out every so often and snap away. Until then, you'll just have to take our word that the waves here are kicking ass right now
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