We camped out beachside at Playa Madera, about 30 minutes north of San Juan del Sur on bumpy dirt roads. The waves here are cosistently good, though low tide offers little. A week ago, the water was in the mid sixties and we were all in suits, but now it is back to a comfortable 82 degrees. There are many opportunities to practice beautifully shaped lefts.
The camping area itself kinda sucks. It is trash strewn gravel and sand lot with many feral looking dogs, nasty bathrooms, and millions of invading night crabs. Not the kind you have jeff. ha
On the other hand, it sits directly in front of a great break, beside a bar, and under trees laced with howler and spider monkeys.
Hung out with neighboring campers from Chicago
and more from Jersey, NYC, BC, Oregon, Pennsylvania, Ireland y mas.
We happen to come across Garen's friends from SC, Shawn and Jess. Shawn is the latest to earn himself a fee Jager shot by becoming an official member of Whereeaglesdare.org. Congrats Shawn!
The next night, we chatted with some guys from SD that are good friends with my friend Nick. Small world. We all decided to take a boat trip together to explore the nearby and only semi-accessible surf spots. It took 12 hours and $150 U.S. ,but was totally worth it.
The boat: A panga run by captain Dave and his driver Enrique.
The crew:
playing in Santana shorebreak (pic from sam)
and of course Camper
Sam of SD
John of SD
Laslo de Swiss
and a pictureless Frenchy.
Sam brought a sweet waterproof camera and got some great wave and surf shots. Maybe he will email some to me at alexgbecker@yahoo.com...? so I can post them up here.
We surfed Playa Colorado, Rancho Santana, Panga Drops, and Colorado again. By sundown, everyone was completely knackered. We all joined up later for beers, then passed out.
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