Drove back in to Dominical to kill some time. Swell was strong enough, but shape was just okay. Some lucky few caught rare barrels. Not us.
One afternoon, a wild downpour came through just as we got outside. Between the crashing of waves, thunder and lightening broke out everywhere. Visibility got bad, and it was a bit sketchy making it out past a few big outsiders.
The rain was super heavy as was mistification, creating a surreal and eerie atmosphere.
We finally returned to camp to find everything underwater. Lots of our stuff floated away, my tent was partially submerged, and Camper was wet and extremely pissed off.
Sooni and Emily showed up yesterday, so we drank beers and hung out.
We drove up to the other Matapalo, but there was no ping pong table, so we came right back to Dominical.
According to Garen, his "spirit has been broken" at the mere flicker of my magic forehand paddle, which has decimated all competition at the bar (so far, just Garen).
We are leaving tomorrow morning.
Maybe I should go take some pictures
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