We decided to make a good push south to the Osa and ran into Sooni and Shanti, friends from SC on the way in Puerto Jiminez; which came as a very nice surprise. They've been living in the jungle in Southern Costa for a few months and were happy to put us up in their house and show us around a bit. Matapalo is about an hour's drive from Puerto Jiminez in our slow truck, and there's not too much out there. There is one restaurant/ bar and a small community of whities shacked up near there in the jungle.
There are three spots to surf and tons and tons of wildlife to see... Camp almost got bit!
The surf wasn't huge while we were there but we had some good waves regardless, and we surfed almost every day.
There's a fast, bigger spot, a mellow right hander called Backwash, and a longboard wave (unless it's big) within walking distance of the house. We surfed backwash the most and it was there that I was attacked by a ruthless huge Jellyfish.
If you look closely here you can see my new third nipple.
Other time was spent reading, eating, and relaxing around the little compound in the jungle. This guy was there...
We went into town a few times and were POUNDED by a storm there one day, so we holed up soaking wet in a bar for a bit while the storm subsided....
Emily lives there too...
This was the most beautiful scenery we've seen in this country and we had an absolutely wonderful time with our company from the states. There were less people here than anywhere in CR we've been and it made for a relaxed, mellow week in the jungle; which was absolutely needed. Thanks again Sooni, Shanti, Emily and Mel for your hospitality... See you back in SC!!
Time to get closer to San Jose for airport swing-by and family visit!!!!!!
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