So long Mexicans. We are now in the land of english/creole speaking black people. Thus far the folks here have been extremely helpful, funny, and curious about our trip. That is, except for the pendahos that work at the border. After slow lines, fees, stamps, and paperwork, they dinged Garen $50 extra US dollars for bringing Camper along. The senior customs official threatened to slaughter the dog if we attempted to leave her at the gate. Garen, as you may have guessed, did not care for that remark, however it seemed wise to just pay the fee and move on.
We drove through rainstorms into Orange Walk, where I tried to sabotage the trip (see next post), and continued down to Crooked Tree. We camped out back of Crooked Tree Lodge and chatted at length with owner Mick, who has a wife, two kids, three dogs, and a crocodile.
BTW, we are well aware that Belice is not spelled in the manner you are probably accustomed to reading, but our computer is missing the operative key for the job. Also, they spell it this way in MX.
We have move on to drinking beer made locally by Belikin, who provide a stout option! A bit sweet for my taste. (would kill for a presidio IPA about now)
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