We're getting a bit tired of the ruins, but since Palenque as so fun and we met so many cool people, and because we heard this place was the coolest EVER, we had to check it out. We showed up in the evening and camped in the front lawn of a crappy hotel called the Piramide, giving us access to their pool which was deep enough to dive into but showed signs of past diving board removal...????
Next morning we made quick work of the ruins and were quite disappointed as they cost WAY more than any others and visitors were not permitted to walk on the ruins, only on the manicured grass around them.
Admittedly, they were pretty spectacular, intricately carved and very steep and tall. They would kill folks, lop their heads off, and roll the heads down the stairs. Who knows what happens to the losers (or winners) of the ball game they had going...
Onto Cancun; gotta see it...
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