Back on the road.
We pulled off the freeway to check out a prison gift shop, a first for me. Mostly carved wooden art pieces and figurines. Nary a shiv made out of a toothbrush to be found.
Onto the Belice zoo, where there are jaguars, monkeys, parrots, and photos of miscellaneous wildlife in the hands of a scantily clad Harrison Ford from the 70s.
Afterwards, it seemed appropriate to take the Burban wheelin in a protected park reserve.
On the way uphill into the mountains, we came across a Toyota truck in a ditch minus a right rear wheel and brake assembly. The talented Belicean pilot had somehow managed to control the careening vehicle and a young passenger, with a 150 gallon full tank of water in the bed into a jungly drainage canal. While they waited for assistance, we helped find his wheel in the bushes.
We found the folks at Pine Ridge Lodge, a place that does not regularly offer camping, to be more than accommodating to our camping needs. Thanks Stu!
This site would be a perfect launching spot to the waterfalls we intended to jump off of the following morning, and also a place where Garen could get bitten by more than 350 forest gnats, leaving him horrendously splotted and itchy.
Until the next...
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